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Subtitling dreams?  Let’s make them real.

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My passion, your solution

As a language specialist, I’m constantly improving my translation and subtitling skills to provide the highest quality service to clients who bring foreign videos and TV shows to Portuguese audiences.

My lifelong love for poetry, combined with my passion for languages (see my blog, Sítio da Saudade), has inspired me to become an expert word choicer. This is an essential skill for successful subtitling.

Subtitling is more than just word translation: it’s about preserving the essence of the original content while ensuring a seamless and engaging viewing experience.

My online courses will teach you the knowledge and skills you need to start a career in this interesting field.

legendagem em português_2025

(PT) Legendagem 360º: do básico ao profissional

Quer transformar a sua paixão por línguas numa carreira promissora? 

A legendagem é uma atividade apaixonante. O curso Legendagem 360⁠º: do básico ao profissional oferece o conhecimento necessário para dominar as competências de legendam e construir uma carreira de sucesso nesta área da tradução audiovisual.

Aprenda técnicas avançadas de legendagem. Domine a ferramenta Subtitle Edit. Crie legendas de alta qualidade para qualquer tipo de conteúdo. Construa um portfólio profissional e atraia novos clientes. Diversifique os seus serviços e comece uma nova carreira ou acrescente um novo serviço à sua oferta.
Quando? De 10 a 14 fevereiro de 2025, às 18:00 de Lisboa (18:00 CET).
Duração: 2 horas por dia
Mais informações em Translastars.

Subtitling 360º: from beginner to pro

(EN) Subtitling 360°: From beginner to pro

Ever wanted to turn spoken words into engaging subtitles that span cultures and languages?

Subtitling is the perfect opportunity to turn your language skills into a thriving career.

Our comprehensive course, Subtitling 360°: From Beginner to Pro, equips you with the essential knowledge and advanced techniques to excel in the world of audiovisual translation.

We’ll dive into the secrets of creating clear, concise, and engaging subtitles that integrate with the on-screen action.

Whether you are a translator who is willing to provide additional services or a novice seeking to acquire this skill, this course equips you with the in-demand skills and industry knowledge to succeed.

When: April 28th to May 2nd 2025 (18.00 CET) – 2 h/day 
All the information is available on Translastars.

Subtitling: A comprehensive course

In this first course, the students learned strategies to reduce text, how to use Subtitle Edit, how to find clients, how to build a portfolio, and much more.

P.S. The recorded sessions can be found at Translastars.

Interviews & Features

This is Rita Prazeres Gonçalves – THE LANGUAGE WORKER – podcast.

Maria Virgínia is passionate about subtitling and dedicates herself to this activity (she also works in translation and interpreting projects). She works with multiple international companies and believes that her background and activities as a poet help her find the perfect word when working in subtitling projects.

Kirsty Wolf, from ENGLISH WITH KIRSTY, invited me to her podcast, and we had a great conversation.

From career development to self-discovery, writing has played a key role in my life. We explore the power of writing, including practical tips for language learning and personal growth.

Listen to our conversation or look for Kirsty’s English activities for English learners.

Join our success stories Real people, real results