World Humanitarian Day 2022

August 19, 2022, is World Humanitarian Day, and I share my story about volunteering.

As a child, I dreamed of changing the world: I longed to go to a distant country to help those in need. Time passed, and the dream did not come true as I imagined. However, I realized that it was possible to change some things and that my small contribution could make a difference to someone.

Today, I collaborate with the Translators without Borders, to whom I have donated around 37,000 words. I also do local volunteer work, especially with the elderly.

I couldn’t change the world, but I feel that my life makes more sense by sharing my time and knowledge with those who need it.

“Communicating in the right language is vital. It lets us be inclusive. It lets us engage with people living through a crisis. And you are indeed on a journey with us to build a more equitable world where everyone can get vital information and be heard. With your generous contributions of time and language skills, people in need can be included and informed about the conversations and decisions that affect them and their loved ones”. (Translators without Borders)
